
Cosmogyral - travelling around the universe


either ive shared this link to you, or youve accidentally stumbled accross this page. either way hello!

before you go, answer those two questions :)

have you been having many vivid dreams lately?

is your online persona an untamed unfiltered version of yourself?

what vaguely inspired the site name - click here!

my thought process here was at first hey this is a cool song. its more so ambient and i couldnt really put it to a genre but it made life feel surreal. it kinda reminds me of an early morning. when the sun is not here yet, but the night has melted away. when the outside is still dull yet you know its now daytime. after looking at the song name i saw hey stratosphere thats to do with space. space is something i enjoy. originally the site was called stratosphere - the barrier between earth and the universe. in my eyes thats what i interperet it as. the fine line between humanity and the cold unending universe. this then lead me to finding the word cosmogyral. "thats a fuckin cool ass word" is what i initially thought so after a quick google i saw it meant "whirling around the universe" and that stuck with me because thats what were all doing on this big ass rock. its a basic thought but thats what we do, fly through space a place where we dont know if were the only species or theres more like us out there, yet we sit here worried sick about our small lives. now im not saying our lives are insignificant they are actually quite far from that, every little detail and move adds up to a great amount some day. however i think as a species we all worry too much... and sometimes to the point we give ourself heart issues. (cough cough). what im trying to say is that we should all care less. who cares what kind of book youre reading or what kind of music you listen to. a rude remark shouldnt get us down yet we let it happen. a billion years from now we wont be here and it wont matter. ahhh yes ive strayed off topic. sorry! tldr? : haha spinny rock stop caring about what others think.

side note: this is a work in progress, check back for updates. thanks for reading ^-^

in the meantime have this image of a cat who has clearly just taken a nap o.o